Unity Of Purpose
“Hold fast, all together, to the bond with Allah and be not divided” (The Qur’an 3:103)
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Our guides have been created to address the specific needs of the Ummah through our Unity Project’s foci of the stated goals.
“Enjoying what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah”
(The Qur’an 3:110)
Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop and empower devout Muslims, who are spiritually transformative leaders dedicated to serving the Ummah and humanity. Inspired by the Quran and the Prophetic seerah, we will utilize a comprehensive roadmap based on Quranic principles. Our objectives include establishing an inclusive and accountable Muslim shurah council through consultation, promoting a society centred on justice and piety, benefiting Muslims in all aspects of life, and opposing discrimination and sectarianism. We aim to spark a renaissance of Islamic culture, advance research and innovation, and contribute to economic development.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to unite the Muslim community with a common purpose, guided by the principles of the Noble Quran. We aim to promote unity, justice, and the advancement of Quranic values for the benefit of humanity. By following the example of the Prophet, we seek to transform and enhance the material, existential, and spiritual conditions of the Ummah. We believe in inclusive decision-making through an alliance of co-lead stakeholders, practicing a form of deliberative, participatory democracy as an act of Ibadat.
The United Muslim Alliance (UMA) could be the representative body for the Muslim community in South Africa, by actively engaging with as equals the diverse Muslim community in South Africa, which encompasses various schools of thoughts.
The United Muslim Alliance (UMA), aims to be inclusive and representative of the entire spectrum of Muslim religious and cultural traditions. It works to ensure that all Schools of Thought, have a “voice and choice” in its activities.
The United Muslim Alliance (UMA) will hold elections for its leadership positions, including the President and Vice Presidents, and other office bearers. It will do so through shurah as an act of ibadat, underpinned by a maqasid approach and modelling the “Ethics of Islamic disagreement” in order to achieve a fair “process and product” of election results. This is to ensure the that the honour of Muslims is maintained. These elections are open to all affiliated organizations, allowing for a democratic, transparent, accountable representation of the various Schools of Thought and groups within the Muslim community.
The United Muslim Alliance (UMA) will establish commissions, committees, working groups, and task forces to address specific issues or concerns within the community. These committees may focus on religious practice, education, social justice, interfaith relations, and more. Members from different Schools of Thought and backgrounds will participate in these committees to provide diverse perspectives and expertise.
News and Articles
Our guides have been created to address the specific needs of the Ummah through our Unity Project’s foci of the stated goals.
For more information
Or if you have any questions regarding UMA. Feel free to contact us.